Referral Realty Inc. is a Virginia licensed Real Estate Brokerage Company headquartered in Charlottesville, VA. Our sole purpose is to assist those not actively engaged in real estate in generating income through referrals, anywhere in the world. We strive to work with only the most experienced and professional realtors thus maximizing the chances of our referral agents getting paid.
Why Referral Realty?
- 25% Referral Fee
- 90/10% Splits
- You keep almost all of your commissions – 90%
- No MLS Fees
- Referrals within U.S. and 50+ countries
- Referral network 30+ years in the making!
- AND you can work with the most experienced Realtors in the world. This maximizes your chance of getting paid!
Why do non-practicing licensed agents transfer their licenses to Referral Realty?
A person with a license has three different options in Virginia if they are not active practitioners :
- Put your license with the State of Virginia chancing expiration.
- Leave it with a traditional real estate firm, with low traditional splits and pay MLS and/or dues to the Local, State, and National Association of Realtors.
- Place your license with Referral Realty where there are no MLS and/or Board of Realtor Fees while you keep 90% of referral fees.
What are my responsibilities as a Referral Realty Agent with International Capabilities?
- $100 / year annual fee which is refundable on the close of your second referral each year.
- State license fee for active licenses.
- Commit to meeting the State of Virginia requirements for continuing education.